Mario + Rabbids Character Idea: Rosalina

Rosalina’s Description in the Character Selection Screen would be:

“A High mobility Specialist, Rosalina can yank enemies all around the battlefield, and can empower the movement-based damage of your team, as well as their Team-Jump range.”

Rosalina’s Primary Weapon would be a Bworb, just like Rabbid Luigi. It has low damage, but a high chance of inflicting super effects.

Rosalina’s Secondary Weapon would be something I am calling the Bubble Wand.

The impact is when Weapon Super Effects are inflicted.

The Super Effects Rosalina’s weapons can inflict are:

  1. Freeze
  2. Bounce (Away from wherever Rosalina is)
  3. Pull (Towards wherever Rosalina is)

Pull is a Super Effect I’m inventing for Rosalina. It is basically just “Push” But the enemy moves towards Rosalina. The idea is that this is a sort of “Magnet Dance”, but it’s on a weapon instead of a technique. You can pull 1 enemy towards Rosalina with your Bworb, or pull multiple enemies towards Rosalina with the impact damage from your Bubble Wand secondary.

In the Movement Section of Rosalina’s Skill Tree, Rosalina can unlock the power to rain Star Bits down on enemies she Team-Jumps over. You can’t upgrade the Star Bits damage output very much, and they do less damage than Mario’s Stomp. However, Rosalina can upgrade her own Team-Jump Range far more than other characters can, so you can try to launch Rosalina great distances, over multiple enemies, to amplify the amount of targets hit by the Star Bits.

Another Power in the Movement Section of Rosalina’s Skill Tree is called Launch Star. It basically increases the Team-Jump Range of allies who team jump off of Rosalina.

For Rosalina’s Technical Abilities:

Galactic Sight: Fire a Reaction shot with the Bworb at the first enemy in range that moves. This does less damage than other reaction shots, but makes up for it by having a range of 16 cells. (as much range as Luigi’s Precision Gun)

Orbital Impact: Increase the Movement Based Damage of Rosalina and teammates within range of her. Movement damage counts as all damage originating from the Movement Section of the Skill Tree.

This includes:

  1. All Dash attacks
  2. Mario’s Stomp
  3. Yoshi’s Ground Pound
  4. The Explosions from Rabbid Mario’s Dashes
  5. Star Bits from Rosalina’s Team-Jump